ERROR: illegal attempt to update using time 1197561477 when last update time is 1197561477 (minimum one second step)
ERROR: illegal attempt to update using time 1197561477 when last update time is 1197561477 (minimum one second step)
看错误的提速似乎是关于Update Time的。
另外在安装第二台服务器的时候,在执行/usr/panabit/bin/ipectrl stop kernel的时候出现了一点错误,我没有在意。后来安装后了之后启动Panabit的时候出现了些提示如下:
GPHQ-Panabit# /usr/panabit/bin/ipectrl start
kldload: can't load /usr/panabit/kernel/if_em.ko: File exists
Warning: fail to load optimized em driver
Please recompile your kernel without em enabled!
Otherwise, you can't get the maximum performance
of panaos provides!
kern.jos.ipe_netdevices: fxp0 fxp1 -> fxp0 fxp1
net.inet.tcp.msl: 2000 -> 2000
panaos is running!
network is started!
Starting ipe_httpd ......
bind: No such file or directory
bind: Address already in use
/usr/panabit/bin/ipe_httpd: can't bind to any address
ipe_httpd is started!
ipe_monitor is started!
data monitor is started!